
    UWMH develops user friendly knowledge-intensive digital products and tools to ensure that new knowledge creates real-world impact. We also look at the business case and market opportunities to turn research prototypes into practical, large scale implementations.

    PROCRUSTES Testbed

    PROCRUSTES Testbed

    The PROCRUSTES Testbed is an on-going development which tries to bring together an ensemble of solutions, to form a novel, unified process of resilience assessment for the water sector against an emerging cyber-physical threat landscape e.g., cyber-attacks on the command and control subsystem. Specifically, the proposed framework sets out an operational workflow that combines, inter alia:

    • the CPRISK Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) approach to derive alternative routes to quantify risks considering the dynamics of socio-technical systems
    • an adaptable optimisation platform which integrates advanced multi-objective algorithms for system calibration, uncertainty propagation analysis and asset criticality prioritization and
    • a dynamic risk reduction knowledgebase (RRKB) designed to facilitate the identification and selection of suitable risk reduction measures (RRM).

    This scheme is overarched by a cyber-physical testbed, able to realistically model the interactions between the information layer (sensors, PLCs, SCADA) and the water distribution network. The testbed is being designed to assess the water system beyond normal operational capacity. It facilitates the exploration of emergent and unidentified threats and vulnerabilities leading to Low Probability, High Consequence (LPHC) events that systems are not originally designed to handle.

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    + 30 210 7722828-2886

    NTUA Campus, Heroon Polytechneiou str. 9, 15780, Zographou, Athens Greece, Hydraulics Building