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    ULTIMATE 1st COP Meeting is announced for 14.10.2021

    ULTIMATE 1st COP Meeting is announced for 14.10.2021

    The 1st participatory Community of Practice of the ULTIMATE: Water Smart Industrial Symbiosis project is announced for 14 October 2021.

    The virtual CoP aims to engage stakeholders at al local and national level and involve them in matters related to water resources management and recovery of materials and energy in the agricultural processing industry. In this context, a series of participatory workshops are organized with stakeholders, to inform and engage them with the developed technologies, as well as the possibilities and opportunities arising from their implementation.

    The invitation and the agenda can be found here (in Greek).


    + 30 210 7722828-2886

    NTUA Campus, Heroon Polytechneiou str. 9, 15780, Zographou, Athens Greece, Hydraulics Building