+ 30 210 7722828-2886
NTUA Campus, Heroon Polytechneiou str. 9, 15780, Zographou, Athens Greece, Hydraulics Building
Extreme weather events are becoming the new normal across Europe. The NATALIE Project is stepping up to address these challenges through Nature-Based Solutions (NBS).
We are excited to announce our new project, CIRSEAU: BUILDING A WATER-SMART ECONOMY AND SOCIETY.
The Urban Water Management and Hydroinformatics (UWMH) Group, successfully held its Annual Meeting on September 27, 2024, at the National Technical University of Athens!
We are thrilled to announce our new project, the WaterWise Excellence Hub!
We are thrilled to announce our new groundbreaking project S.W.I.F.T. Sustainable Water Innovations for Fielded Troops.
In the heart of the Mediterranean, cities like Athens face unique environmental challenges that stem from their distinct geographical and climatic conditions.
We are excited to announce our groundbreaking project, RECREATE
In the wake of recent fires and extreme flood events in Greece and as climate change further exacerbates devastating impacts, new methods, tools, and solutions are needed
Enhance resilience to climate change in diverse bio-geographical European regions.
The final conference of the PROCRUSTES project is already announced for the 9th of June 2023
In view of the emerging cyber-physical threats against urban water systems and the latest EU Directives on cybersecurity and resilience of critical entities
An outstanding innovative project carried out by an inspiring team comes to an end.
After 4 years of collective work and many online meetings, the NextGen Final Event was held physically on 20th and 21st of October
We are very proud to announce that our project ToDrinQ Toolkit for adaptable, Resilient Installations securing high Quality drinking water is one of the 3 selected for funding under call HORIZON-CL6-2022-ZEROPOLLUTION-01 (Clean environment and zero pollution).
Our Sewer Mining technology unit in the Tree Nursery of City of Athens received high attention in the Greek press.
NEXTGEN 3rd CoP workshop in Athens is successfully implemented on 22nd of September 2022.
We are happy to announce our online survey regarding Climate Change adaptation in Attica region within the European project IMPETUS!
extrAIM, expands for “AI-enhanced uncertainty quantification of satellite-derived hydroclimatic extremes” and is a two years project funded by European Space Agency (ESA), under the AI4SCIENCE call for proposals.
Fiware4Water is carrying on the dissemination of its outcomes and engagement with stakeholders.
Dynamic information management approach for the implementation of climate resilient adaptation packages in European regions
A state-of-the-art handbook on cyber-physical security for critical infrastructure recently released on open access.
The 1st participatory Community of Practice of the ULTIMATE: Water Smart Industrial Symbiosis project is announced for 14 October 2021.
We are excited to announce the launch of our new project THESEUS.
We are excited to announce the new project Cooling Havens: Water-Powered Neighborhood Cooling and Engagement Stations
+ 30 210 7722828-2886
NTUA Campus, Heroon Polytechneiou str. 9, 15780, Zographou, Athens Greece, Hydraulics Building