Publications in focus

    UWMH is especially committed in the development and dissemination of new knowledge and its uptake by the scientific community as well as practitioners. As such it strives to publish new breakthroughs in peer review journals

    Cyber-Physical Attack Detection in Water Distribution Systems with Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks

    Cyber-Physical Attack Detection in Water Distribution Systems with Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks

    Authors: Tsiami L., Makropoulos C.
    Journal: Urban Water Management
    Issue / Pages:
    13(9), 1247
    Publication Date: 2021
    Title: Cyber-Physical Attack Detection in Water Distribution Systems with Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Prompt detection of cyber–physical attacks (CPAs) on a water distribution system (WDS) is critical to avoid irreversible damage to the network infrastructure and disruption of water services. However, the complex interdependencies of the water network’s components make CPA detection challenging. To better capture the spatiotemporal dimensions of these interdependencies, we represented the WDS as a mathematical graph and approached the problem by utilizing graph neural networks. We presented an online, one-stage, prediction-based algorithm that implements the temporal graph convolutional network and makes use of the Mahalanobis distance. The algorithm exhibited strong detection performance and was capable of localizing the targeted network components for several benchmark attacks. We suggested that an important property of the proposed algorithm was its explainability, which allowed the extraction of useful information about how the model works and as such it is a step towards the creation of trustworthy AI algorithms for water applications. Additional insights into metrics commonly used to rank algorithm performance were also presented and discussed.

    Download full paper here.



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